Fears for the Future


Isaiah 41:8-14

8 “But as for you, Israel my servant,
Jacob my chosen one,
descended from Abraham my friend,
9 I have called you back from the ends of the earth,
saying, ‘You are my servant.’
For I have chosen you
and will not throw you away.
10 Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.
Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you.
I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

11 “See, all your angry enemies lie there,
confused and humiliated.
Anyone who opposes you will die
and come to nothing.
12 You will look in vain
for those who tried to conquer you.
Those who attack you
will come to nothing.
13 For I hold you by your right hand—
I, the Lord your God.
And I say to you,
‘Don’t be afraid. I am here to help you.
14 Though you are a lowly worm, O Jacob,
don’t be afraid, people of Israel, for I will help you.
I am the Lord, your Redeemer.
I am the Holy One of Israel.’


What scares you? When we ask children this question, they will often mention fear of the dark, or spiders, or getting lost. Teens and adults are more experienced and tend to mention bigger risks, such as mass shootings, a natural disaster (often called an “act of God”), or anything that could rob us of life—either our own or that of a loved one.

Our Creator God knows how we are made and how fear can cripple us. In the Bible the message “Do not fear” occurs some 365 times, in one phrasing or another. The prophet Isaiah, speaking God’s words to God’s chosen people, encourages Israel to trust God—even though they will suffer in captivity—and not to fear, because God has an amazing rescue plan.

When we lose our job, learn that we have a serious illness, face a big financial loss, or watch a family member make dangerous choices, we naturally experience fear for the future. What is going to happen to us—or to them? How will we get through this?

God’s words in Isaiah invite us to look at the big picture, the overarching story. Our God promises, in effect, “I am with you; I am your God; I will strengthen you and help you. My right hand will take hold of your right hand, so do not be dismayed.”


Great I am, how can we ever be afraid, knowing all that you have done and promised? Calm our fears, increase our trust, and help us to loosen our worried grip and let your hand take ours. Amen.