In Isaiah 61:1, Christ’s anointing is for the sake of bearing good news: “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.”
In our reading for today, the Spirit rests on the Branch (Jesus) so that he becomes the ultimate wisdom-bearer. Unlike us, the incarnate Son of God never stumbled into deceptions or embraced this world’s lies. With a clear eye he stayed focused on the divine purpose of his life.
Of course, it’s easy to declare that Jesus saw things perfectly because he was Immanuel (“God with us”). But note a special emphasis in this passage. The Spirit inspires “the fear of the Lord.” This fear isn’t cowering terror but a sense of deep awe, even love for the Father. The “fear of the Lord” kept Immanuel clear-eyed regarding truth.
When the Spirit inspires that same “fear of the Lord” in us, we can focus on the truth too.