The prophet Isaiah spoke to God’s people at a time when they needed to hear good news. They were in exile, and they longed to return to their homeland and the city of Jerusalem.
God had such good news for the people that Isaiah said the feet of those who brought this news were beautiful. It’s not that the messengers’ feet were actually beautiful; they were probably dirty, blistered, and smelly after a long journey! But the news of restoration was so good and full of the hope of blessing that it helped people to appreciate the feet that brought this news to them.
The good news was that God reigns. No matter what bad news we hear, God is still in control of this world. No matter how sad or angry we might feel about the news of the world, God promises us a future of beauty and perfect peace. Just as God restored his people in ancient times, so too God will one day restore the world for all time. This is such good news that it helps us to persevere, looking ahead to the day when God will renew all things.