When people sinned, that broke their relationship with God, creating a huge barrier that could not be crossed. So instead of being able to enjoy life forever with God, they were cut off. Sin brought struggle, toil, sorrow, disease, and death. Through Adam, the first man representing the whole human race, sin and death came into the world, and no one could break through the barrier.
So God sent his Son, Jesus, to become human and to live among us without sin. He succeeded where Adam had failed, and Jesus gave his own life to pay the debt of all our sin. By doing this, he broke through the barrier of death for us, and by his resurrection he opened for us the path to new life. Because of Jesus, we can now have full life with God forever.
When we feel hopeless and left out of God’s love, and when we realize we cannot gain eternal life because our sin is a barrier separating us from God, Jesus breaks through that barrier and changes everything.