Most of us would probably admit that, ideally, we’d like to have something corrected or changed about our bodies. Perhaps we have an allergy, or a disease, or a disability of some kind. Our bodies are not perfect. Yet we also have to admit that we are not sure what a perfect body would be.
The Christian church believes in the resurrection of the dead. This means that in addition to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, we believe that when Jesus comes again there will be a resurrection of all who have believed in Christ. Our present, imperfect, physical bodies will be raised and made whole. Somehow, by the mysterious power of God, our bodies will become immortal and spiritual and yet also be physical. Amazing!
We do not know what this transformation will look like, but we can trust that it will be good. It will have all the necessary features that God has in mind for us.
When Jesus comes again, each of our bodies—though dead and buried and decayed or turned to dust—will be “raised imperishable . . . raised in glory . . . raised in power . . . raised a spiritual body.” Somehow too, it seems, our new bodies will have flesh and bones and be able to eat food, like the resurrected Jesus did when he met with his disciples (Luke 24:36-43). Think of all the wonders God has in store!