Proverbs 31 closes with a word picture of a wife and mother who “fears the Lord” and is thus wise, diligent, compassionate, a hard worker, financially astute, insightful, and much more. Like Lady Wisdom, she makes sensible decisions and lives according to God’s Word. Such a mother and wife is worthy of her husband’s praise and her children’s blessing. She’s the example to be followed.
And yet, if anyone could do all that she does, she’d be superhuman. Her example is virtually unattainable. We’re best served by seeing her as the full compilation of Proverbs’ characteristics for wise living as followers of Jesus Christ.
With this intriguing twist, Proverbs, written in a time of male dominance, closes with a picture of a wife and mother as an embodiment of Lady Wisdom, whom we’ve been encouraged to seek and know. Wisdom is God’s gracious gift showing us how to live as his children. It’s the way of the full life that Jesus has provided for us!