Think of the constant dripping from a leaky roof that allows rainwater to puddle somewhere overhead before it drops down into your room. The storm may be over and the sun already shining, but the water continues to drip, drip, drip. Similarly, with a contentious person, there’s often a nagging “drip, drip, drip” that continues long after a quarrel has ended. There’s just no letting up!
Jesus’ followers recognize that quarrelsome people hinder healthy relationships. Church families become unfriendly and uncomfortable when contentious people have influence or take up leadership positions. Certainly disagreements have their place, but intimacy can be restored only if there’s honest communication followed by repentance and forgiveness. There’s no place for constant dripping.
God’s Word wisely prescribes, “Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ” (Ephesians 5:21). Submission begins with listening and knowing when to reconcile because we love Jesus. He expects it.