In a world with numerous temptations to cut corners or deliver less than promised, it’s vitally important that followers of Christ conduct their business with integrity. The temptation to seek gold or silver—the profits—as our top priority is the same today as it was in Solomon’s day. Greater profits may come by way of dishonest weights, selling a sick animal, falsifying records, and more. But when you get caught, your business will also be ruined.
Too often our testimony is negated by the way we do business. Too often we put a Christian symbol on our business card and yet deal dishonestly. Our good intentions and promises must be followed up with actions of integrity—in all we do. Christ’s name is at stake, not merely our reputation.
Jesus calls us to honesty. Honoring him, we can sing, “Lord, I lift your name on high,” and mean it. Are you honoring God in all you do?