It seems the psalmist has reached a level of desperation. Yet each time he cries out, in his heart he expresses an equally strong affirmation of hope and comfort in God’s Word. And he expresses his unflagging commitment to obeying God’s decrees and statutes. Even as the psalmist’s enemies inch closer, even as God seems to remain silent, the psalmist puts his hope in God and his Word, and he commits himself to obey God. In obedience, the psalmist finds God’s heart and feels God’s closeness.
A life of faith includes moments when God seems silent. We don’t know why God doesn’t always answer immediately when we call. But if we reflect on all the promises God has made and kept—all lavishly recorded in his Word—we can be sure that God keeps his promises and will answer. Turning to God’s Word was a continual source of comfort and joy for the psalmist, especially in what seemed to be times of silence from God. And it can be the same for us.