In our reading for today, the psalmist sees the light of God’s Word, and his passion for God grows, leading to a greater thirst for God’s Word. As he reads and meditates, ponders and absorbs, the writer’s understanding of God’s love, mercy, and compassion deepens and his longing for God increases. The intensity of his passion for God leads him even to pant for God’s Word!
Another important thing to note here is that the psalmist calls himself God’s servant. Connecting God’s blessing with service, the psalmist reminds us that blessings don’t stop when they land on our doorstep. God blesses us—his servants—so that we can serve and be a blessing to the people around us.
Go ahead and ask God for his blessing, because God wants to bless you. He also wants you to be keenly attentive to his Word and to actively serve in his world.