The psalmist calls himself God’s “servant,” and that’s all we know about him. Some suggest that the writer is King David of Israel, who wrote several psalms of lament. Others have suggested Ezra or Nehemiah, who also had to deal with leadership struggles when they returned to Jerusalem from Babylon. Here the author cries out in anguish to God for deliverance, even while complaining that God treats him like a stranger.
Since we all experience moments, days, and even seasons of lament, we can learn from the psalmist’s prayer. Even in desperation, the writer shows that he wants to know God’s Word and live by it: “My soul is consumed with longing for your laws at all times.” Adversity doesn’t drive the psalmist away from God. It drives him closer as he waits for the One who reveals himself in his Word.
In our times of trouble, may our prayers for deliverance also drive us deeper into God’s Word, to love and obey him as we wait for relief from him.