Sadly, not everyone feels the need to worship. A Christian college student told me that public worship was a waste of time. “Christians,” she said, “should be out there doing something worthwhile instead of sitting in church.” When I asked someone why he had not been in church for the past 18 years, he simply said, “There’s nothing there for me.”
So why worship? Psalm 100 gives the answer. Worship is our imperfect way of acknowledging who God is. It is our way of saying thank-you to God for all he has done for us through Jesus Christ. Worship is intended to give God his due.
And when we worship, we “worship the LORD with gladness,” with hearts filled with joy and gratitude. Psalm 100 gives us several reasons: God made us; we belong to him. The Lord is good; his love endures forever. God’s faithfulness continues through all generations.
Make sure you worship this God today and every day!